A retrofit assessor will assess the energy performance of a property. The retrofit assessor should be able to assess the energy performance of a property. This will include its insulation value, its heating and ventilation systems, its exterior and interior, and the number of rooms in the property.
Using a PAS2035 assessor will ensure that the retrofit process is performed as required by the government. The process focuses on the whole building and how the improvements will affect the property’s performance. You can identify the measures that must be installed together and estimate the capital costs. Then, you can assess the measures by determining their impact on the performance of the building. This will help you find the best retrofit for your home.
An EPC is a certificate that shows how energy-efficient your property is. The document includes estimated energy costs, as well as a summary of your home's energy performance-related features.
If you’re selling your property or renting one out, you’ll need an Energy Performance Certificate to show to prospective buyers or tenants – otherwise known as an EPC.
The process was developed by The IAA and offers an approach to measure and address background ventilation requirements under pathways A and B of PAS 2035 and provides an alternative for pathway C whilst not replacing the airtightness testing requirements.
The process does not replace the existing air tightness qualification under the certification schemes but instead builds on the use of this equipment and provides direction as to its application to carry out background ventilation testing. This provides a more specific assessment of background ventilation along with a more comprehensive approach to ventilation assessment based on the actual performance of the property pre and post-installation.